Tire Appearance Defect Detection

    Project description:

Size nonconformity, scratch and bulge of tires are common in its automatic production, and tread detection and character recognition are also required for tires in some processes. However, the tire is a black rubber product, and it is difficult to make a contrast even if there is an external light source, so the traditional visual detection solution does not work well for tire detection. AI visual detection solution of Dongsheng Intelligent Technology accurately locates the defects, greatly improves the productivity and yield and ensures the "zero defect" of outgoing products by virtue of the specific light source and image processing technology.


    Defect types:

Bubbles, thin lines, loosening, poor connection, thread loosening, sundries, etc.


                                                                                                               OK  sample                                                                                                                               Detection  picture

        AI algorithms are 50 to 80 times faster than the traditional algorithms        Intelligent image analysis technology